Friday, September 3, 2010

7 Secret know Expressions Aussie visitors to Australia must

Yes, they speak English in Australia. It's just that in some parts, we talk a bit 'different. If you plan to visit Australia, including the Outback, you can hear some expressions is not an Australian slang. Here's a guide is available to help.

But first a word of warning. If you are sensitive or easily offended, please do not read. Some of the terms used may seem rude, but are part of the culture in many parts ofAustralia.

See if you can resolve these seventh Do not worry if you do not get them all. Easily almost all visitors and the answers are on the bottom. (There will be a sneak see?)

Before Emma chisit?
According to Do not come the raw prawn.
Third amber liquid.
Your message quarter. (If you are in a school)
Fifth Liquid laugh.
Sixth Budgie smugglers.
Seventh A few kangaroos in top paddock.

Here are the answers.

Before Emma chisit. Nice and easy this. If you are an Australianin a store, asking about the price with the words: "How much?

According to Do not come the raw prawn. If you think Aussie go, he (or she) is not always right. An example is when he feels like it was overloaded with something. Our Prime Minister Kevin Rudd used similar language: "Fair suck of the sauce bottle." Another example is dismayed: "Fair crack of the whip."

Third amber liquid. Another name for the beer, drink grog, singing syrup pee. If you get too drunk in Australia, you canbecause of "too much to drink piss." Answer number 5 is closely connected.

Your message quarter. If you drink beer in a pub with a group of guys or shielas are, and it is up to you to buy, is to write your own. The group you are in is sometimes referred to as a "school". By the way, this has nothing to do with call aloud.

Fifth Liquid laugh. This hideous expression, the result of having too much to drink. And 'sometimes referred to as vomit, Chuck Chunder or inTechnicolor yawn.

Sixth Budgie smugglers. A bathing suit worn by very short on the beaches as Bondi Surf rescue Aussie. Like many young Aussie girls wearing them and they seem. The male version of the bikini brief.

Seventh A few kangaroos in top paddock. If you're accused of this, means they are considered stupid, not very bright or as thick as two short planks. Similar language is: "A few tomatoes short of a Sammic.

Now howja? Go

If you scored more than four, fair dinkum Aussie Ocker a pass for you and that would be at home anywhere in Australia. Less than 4? Just visit us to learn the language, is not it?

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