Sunday, September 5, 2010

Deadly animals do not want to see your holiday

Normally, when people go on vacation, is to see something new. You can access a specific target for its breathtaking natural beauty, travel, or suggestions, you can design in-man as the Eiffel Tower or the Sydney Harbour Bridge did find. It can be a cultural experience you're after, so that you are the head of museums and galleries. Or you may want to see animals in their natural habitat, either under water or on land.

Many countries earn their status as a tourist hot spotbecause they offer the possibility to communicate with wild animals and become one with nature. Care used to ensure the safety of all and never a real danger of physical contact with a hungry lion or an elephant in full. However, there are cases that can protect travel guides and expedition leader, not when you swim in the sea, for example, or casually leaning against a tree trunk. Depending on where you are in the world, you can follow these simple measures are urgentlyConsequences.

South America is known for the hospitality of its people and its natural beauty known. It 'also known for his piranha, so dramatically illustrated the Bond movies were announced in the original, Dr. No. In terms of danger, however, that the fish is topped by a small caterpillar.

There is a group of moths called Lonomia, all found throughout the continent, particularly in the south of Brazil. The moths themselves are not dangerous, it's their caterpillars thatbe careful. They are furry little things that are perfect trees they inhabit. Their venom is a potent anticoagulant that internal bleeding, kidney failure and reducing the causes of red blood cells. People die every year from easily brush against a tree in which they live, or accidentally leaning on it.

Now travel to Australia, the house is pretty much the most toxic species of all living things, except, perhaps, Caterpillar.The box jellyfish, also called the sea wasp, are mainly in the waters around northern Australia and southeast Asia. It will also be the most dangerous animal in the world. A single box jellyfish contains enough toxins to 60 adults in less than three minutes to kill. How are the deadliest creatures in its environment so that it is virtually impossible to detect until it is too late.

Its venom is contained in the tentacles, which can be up to 3 meters in length. YouContain stinging cells that respond to pressure and chemical triggers. The pain of a sting is so painful that even if the victim is unconscious, made from the pain, their cries can shatter the eardrum-splitting. The poison did not waste time attacking the nervous system, heart and skin.

There is an antidote, but must be applied almost immediately. To increase the chances of survival may be applied to the antidote, the sting will be treated with vinegar. Thisprevents the release of other toxic substances during the tentacles still attached to the victim. The tentacles should be removed to be very careful. Greater caution is indicated when the tentacles are declining, because they remain active, even when separated from the body. old dried tentacles can be reactivated with a little water. The only creatures that Jellyfish are known to be immune to box turtles, they eat.

The stonefish is another reason why people should accept the fact that we didwater. It is located on the bottom of the sea floor, covered with mud, sticks and walk unaware that stand out. It is the most poisonous fish in the world and caused so much pain that the victims are said in the message facilitation of amputation.

Nature is beautiful nature is brilliant and nature kills. If we force in nature, you enter a realm that is not ours. There is no reason why I do not remember a town in the desert, if we want both the nature and shows the properRespect and consideration for animals is their home.

For a look at some of the worlds deadliest animals are

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