Monday, September 27, 2010

Top Ten Destinations for 2009

Recession? Resmession! Despite the financial pinch, the public is still happy to go on vacation. In fact, a recent trip away are "not substantial" cost consumers and an ax while reducing their costs. And rightly so - it is important to get away and relax once in a while. Perhaps even more when times are hard.

But where? With the pound weak against the euro has been made, the travel in the euro area is less than ideal from an economic standpoint. SoTourists are more and more remote destinations, medium and long term. In that spirit, here are our Top Ten Tips for Holiday 2009:

1. Turkey

A typical sunny day at Ephesus in Turkey. Turkey has been a major beneficiary traveler, a bit 'far in 2008 should, and with a good British tourists this year. Why? Well, it's not just because the pound there are legs. This is a first for culture lovers for its rich history and archaeologicalInterest - such as Ephesus, Pergamum and Troy.

And in the days when you do not want to look great historic structures, there are beaches a-lot, and great spots for diving. Also, it's nice and warm. Many boxes are checked.

2. Iceland

Iceland has always been a very expensive destination. But the economic crisis in the second half of last year, now means that the cost of living is very reasonable ... What is good news forBargain hunters.

Iceland is the ideal place for lovers of adventure sports, with many opportunities to kayak, bike, and zipping around on a glacier on a snowmobile. And if you're not exactly thrilled at the prospect of the release of adrenaline, there are enough other things to do - continue to monitor geysers, fishing, whale watching and soaking in the geothermal pools.

Note that although your TEAM (European Health Insurance Card) is just for you, for urgentmedical care here - but do not return the current treatment or a little 'less of a medical emergency. As such, comprehensive travel insurance, should not be overlooked.

3. Lithuania

This year could be a good year for tourism in Lithuania. First, this is the anniversary of the millennium of its name. And second is the capital Vilnius European Capital of Culture for 2009. The country offers national parks, spas, a selection of UNESCO's list as the Old TownVilnius - Old Town, the abundant food and a bronze statue of Frank Zappa. What more could you want?

4. United States

The Manhattan Bridge, New York, USA. Although it is not so strong the pound against the dollar, as it was, the United States is still likely to be a popular destination for Britons abroad in 2009. Why? Well, the election of Barack Obama has brought a lot to feel good about the United States. But not all. One of the appealing factors of the states is thatto see what and how. It takes a lot of repeat visitors, because it is virtually impossible, all I wanted to do in one trip. And as an added incentive, this year marks the 400th anniversary of the discovery of New York - a city that already has a steady job.

If you are moving from the states, remember that it is now mandatory in an online ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorization) form to be filled before it. For more information, see ourThe article "Going in the U.S., so do not forget to ESTA.

5. South Africa

South Africa is becoming increasingly popular with British tourists. Sterling has been done right to the edge, at the time, so visitors can get more Pow! for their pounds. That's a good thing, because the food is well worth wiring inside Plus rugby fans may well be interested in some of the British and Irish Lions tour of South Africa will start this summer, between May 30 and 4July.

A couple of notes though. Medical treatment can be very expensive in South Africa, so going there is not recommended for anything less than a full travel insurance. We also know that there are a lot of crime in South Africa - although this occurs mainly in the towns rather than in tourist areas. However, you have an idea to cover all eventualities. To discover the latest travel information and advice, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office to go SouthAfrica page.

6. Egypt

hunting business could do much worse in the direction of Egypt. There are many iconic attractions for visitors to experience first-hand: the Pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza, the Valley of the Kings, near Luxor, the Temple of Ramses III, the Aswan Dam ... We could go on.

Beach lovers are spoiled with a choice of resorts on the Red Sea. And Egypt is not only exclusively for lovers of culture ... For those who for some 18-30 games Club Sharm el SheikhOnly such a program early this year.

Be sure to read before going to customs but, for what may be considered acceptable in the UK are not so safe here. In particular, it is important to dress modestly - especially when visiting traditional commercials.

7. Mexico

For its beautiful beaches, great food and atmosphere, a trip to Mexico is difficult to beat. There is an excellent selection of all-inclusive packages available, and a trip to this port for Central Americaare generally considered very important. There are a number of locations in the beautiful Riviera newly opened this year. And now there are more flights available, such as Mexicana Airlines has launched a new service linking Gatwick to Mexico City in January and twice a week.

If the physiological activity is your thing, then Banderas Bay offers a wide range of activities in all available water - including diving, sailing and deep sea fishing. There are many fascinating places to see, such as Meso-AmericanRuins, pyramids ... And then there's good food and tequila!

Remember that English is not so much could be expected outside of big cities just mentioned. So - sure, at least familiarize yourself with some useful phrases in Spanish - if you walk on it with a little 'planning.

8. Thailand

Beautiful Krabi, Thailand. For the friendly people, extremely cheap and fresh fish is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world, Thailand simply rocks. From the templesand tuk-tuk of Bangkok, the white beaches of Krabi and its surrounding islands, you're just forgotten, never to travel in Thailand.

There's something for every budget. Backpackers are very well supplied, as are flash packers - travelers spend a little 'more than money. Although the pound has not been done against the baht, and might, you're still likely to find that everything is very precious - from five-star hotels all the way to the market cheaplyShopping.

Unfortunately, the time of writing there is uncertainty about the political situation in Thailand. In front of the trip, you should check the Foreign & Commonwealth Office advice page Thailand.

9. Australia

The pound has strengthened the dollar against the Australian, so - despite the high initial cost of a flight to the other side of the planet - British tourists should at least have a good relationship, as we are. Butthey are good value relative to the sun for safety, and things to see and do. If you intend to explore the Outback, where about Aboriginal culture, surf, or the night life is certainly not disappoint Australia.

British tourists need a visa to enter Australia for a vacation ... So do not leave home without one.

10. The United Kingdom

According to a survey in November last year, one in five Britons claim that going abroad for a holiday in 2009, is a luxurythat they can not afford *. But it is also important to note that our islands are worth visiting on its own. Plus you probably will not meet with any language barrier, or lose because of fluctuations in exchange rate policy.

There are too many great places in the United Kingdom hoped to list here. But only a handful of places we love, like Bath, York, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Pembrokeshire, and Monkey World in Dorset. Plus has a number of different festivals in the United Kingdomreally blossomed in recent years. Our favorites are Latitude in Suffolk, the Edinburgh Festival, trucks, Oxfordshire and Brecon Jazz Festival ... But you can take the kind of hard now limited only by your imagination. Read our guide to get to your festival survival in the mood for some useful tips.

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