Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Improve your emotional intelligence today!

What is EI? (Emotional Intelligence)
The term "emotional intelligence" was coined by Yale psychologist Peter Salovey and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire in 1990. E 'defined as "The ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understanding feelings and emotions to regulate, promote personal growth."
E 'measured by the emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).

In simple terms, this means that a person with high emotional intelligenceis a natural ability to detect and decipher emotions in faces and voices which are sensitive to small changes in the mood and use their emotions, negative or positive, have managed to achieve

Why is EI important?

According to Daniel Goleman, Harvard psychology Ph.D., New York Times science writer, EQ can be a big difference in people's lives than the IQ is said that the corporate world, has taken on IQ, butEQ has been promoted! Goleman likes to tell an operator AT & T Bell Labs, a think tank forbbrilliant engineers in New Jersey, who asked that his rank was top performer. Were not those with the highest IQ, were those whose e-mail has been answered. Employees who are good networkers and popular with staff and colleagues were first cooperation they need for their goals to socially awkward to have only reached genius Wolf. People with high emotionalIntelligence are the people who truly succeed in work and play, building flourishing careers and lasting, meaningful relationships! They are not your feelings

Steps to improve your EI

But there are no well-conducted studies published in report have been reported to increase the emotional intelligence to date is a broad consensus that people improve their knowledge to improve their emotional and social function!

Develop your sense of self-knowledge world
Every time I hear aEmotion, if not with you, we ask, "What is this feeling trying to tell me" You should also take time to relax and at the same time, to observe the thoughts and feelings come and go. This is a distance, like you, you are more than clear what thoughts and feelings occur in time.Another great way to keep a diary and write emotional five minutes each morning, how you feel. With the registration of the trend, isgradually aware, understand their feelings and their best!

REMEMBER - It is not your EMOTIONS

Like humans, it is for us to avoid feeling a certain way when difficult things happen. So it is, how you respond to these feelings, ask questions. Whatever emotion you feel, is still the choice of what to do about it - and that's what counts! A judge himself does not make you a better person.

Instead, learn to resist failure, the temptation to screamabout who is irritating you, count to 10 slowly, slowly inhale, turn your head to nature to pray and ask God for a peaceful and humble heart and attitude.

Philippians 4.6-7 "Do not be afraid of anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, present your requests to God And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. " Eventually, these allow us to develop patience and are still in a difficultMoments.

Put yourself in another person

Everyone sees the world in different ways, and everything that man does and says makes sense from their point of view, even if it does not make sense for you. By learning to really take in another person's situation we often see, while the action is incorrect, it may seem, their motivation behind the actions are good. It will allow us to better understand and thereby promoting a stronger and more significantRelations.

GET some distance from the bad things

It 'been studied and observed that most of the time people think of things, and among these things, most of them end up not happening, and the small percentage that do to the place was a lot less stress and anxiety, which then we expected. Away. So it's a thing we should do to avoid us as we wallow in self pity or treat yourself to depressing thoughts. Often these are dangerous. L 'World does not revolve around us, and if we are going more and more depressed and self-centered, we should try to draw conclusions and think happy thoughts, cheerful and optimistic! The most significant result of life, more friends and better to give the job.

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